Refer your patient to Mr Osama Aweid

Thank you for choosing to refer your patient to Mr Osama Aweid


Osama is happy to be contacted by referrers at any time for advice, urgent patient assessments or updates on existing patients. Please do not hesitate to make contact with Fortius Clinic London and our staff will be more than happy to provide you with Osama’s direct number.


Once the printed material has been finished, you will have a counsel with the specialist to talk about your wellbeing related issues, worries, and additionally our future suggestions.

History and Examination

With a specific end goal to figure out what your genuine issue is, the specialist will pose different inquiries identified with your wellbeing. Next, various particular tests will be performed to figure out which parts of your spine and sensory system are influenced.

Computerized X-beam Studies

Your particular condition of wellbeing may oblige us to take x-beams to either discount a genuine condition or help us in building up the best treatment anticipate you.

Home Instructions

Preceding leaving, patients will be given directions on specific exercises or methodology to be led at home. This may incorporate ice or warmth application directions, evasion of specific exercises or positions, and in addition home activities and additionally extends.

Plan Your Next Appointment

You will be given a helpful arrangement time for your subsequent visit. As a rule, patients are seen inside 1-2 days and are furnished with a total audit of discoveries. Future proposals will likewise be talked about amid this time.